Translations of any volume up to 1000 pages per day into 109 languages worldwide!

International translation agency and Publishing House

+40,500 pages translated from the English into the Russian language for foreign clients during 2.5 months in the field of electrical energy industry
Translation of more than 900 pages of document in 2 days!
Official translation company for EXPO 2017 participants in Astana

Our achievements

  • Successfully translated +40,500 pages from the English into the Russian language for foreign clients during 2.5 months in the field of electrical energy industry
  • Translation of more than 900 pages of document in 2 days!
  • Official translation company for EXPO 2017 participants in Astana
  • Translation of the Bible into Kazakh language
    On November 30, 2022, the head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan presented us with a medal of peace and harmony for translating the Bible into Kazakh.
  • +40,500 pages during 2.5 months

    Successfully translated +40,500 pages from the English into the Russian language for foreign clients during 2.5 months in the field of electrical energy industry

  • More than 900 pages

    Translation of more than 900 pages of document in 2 days!

  • EXPO-2017
    "Helvetia" — official translation company for EXPO 2017 participants in Astana

Find out the cost of document translation service in Almaty

Types of document translations

We are a reliable and competent language translation partner!
Oil and gas
We have been regularly translating texts on this subject since 2008.
The biggest project we are particularly proud of, the translation of +40,500 pages on construction!
+1,000,000 pages of translation: SNIPs, user manuals, drawings and etc.
We regularly translate texts on this subject.
Scientific translations
A unique feature of scientific translations is that the text is usually replete with a huge number of terms...
Translation of a contract, agreement, power of attorney and any other legal document.
Medical translations narrowly overtake technical translations.
One of our favourite skates! Business plans, bank annual reports, audit reports, presentations, etc.
Marketing and websites
From website translation in +60 languages worldwide to the largest projects.

Document translation services. Translation of +1000 pages into 109 world languages per day!

100% quality from a team of professional translators. Written translations in Almaty and all over Kazakhstan.

Why do our clients trust us?

  • Professional translators
    Professional translators, editors, proofreaders: the task of each of them is to make the translation as high quality as possible. Thanks to the hard work of our team, you can be sure that your order will be completed to a high standard!
  • Bonus system
    Flexible prices, gifts, priority in order fulfilment — become our regular client. When ordering large orders we offer pleasant bonuses in the form of additional free scope of work.
  • International team
    We are an international translation agency. Our translators work in almost every country worldwide. When you send your documents for translation to our agency, you can be sure that the best specialists will work on your project!
  • Always on or before the deadline
    We will clearly agree a deadline with you and submit the completed translation on or before the deadline. Our experience and highly qualified team of translators never tires of proving their professionalism!
  • Quick answers to queries
    Our goal is to provide our clients not only with quality translations on time or earlier, but also to answer any queries 24/7 as quickly as possible. Once your order has been placed and paid for, you will be assigned a responsible member of staff who will assist you with any queries you may have.
  • Personalized manager
    We always prioritise quality service to our clients: we answer messages quickly, respond to requests quickly, answer calls quickly, translate quickly, issue documents quickly… And we do it all also with QUALITY!
Exact cost and terms of translation of your text + 10% discount on the first order

Recommendation letters

Go to References read

Translation languages

More than 109 languages worldwide! Quickly and qualitatively!
How do we work?
Stages of work on your project
We receive the documents from you for calculation, indicating from which and into which language the texts should be translated (count the number of pages. 1 page is 1800 characters with spaces. The minimum order is 20 pages). We will agree on terms and cost.
You pay for the translation. Payment options: invoice to a foreign or Kazakh legal entity, payment via Kaspi or Halyk applications to our company (we hold contracts with these banks).More details here: "Payment Methods".
We translate the documents and send them to you by the deadline agreed at the beginning of negotiations.
You confirm receipt of the order. After that you can have the translation notarised (this is usually agreed upon from the beginning).

Find out the cost of translation services. Fill out the form and get a 10% discount on your first order!

IMPORTANT: 10% discount for orders of 10 pages or more

Translation agency in Almaty

We work all over Kazakhstan!
Established in 2007, HELVETIA (Helvetia is an ancient name of Switzerland) quickly grew to the TOP-3 of Kazakhstani and TOP-100 translation companies in the CIS. And has been consistently leading since then. The company’s employees have broad knowledge and high level of professionalism in various spheres of life, science, art and business.

Translations in 109 languages worldwide + 1000 pages per day — is the regular life of HELVETIA.
Clients and we are a single organism.

For many people, we are the salvation in a difficult moment and constant partners in solving issues related to translations into foreign languages or from the Russian into the Kazakh language. Having started with 30 languages, now we serve +109 languages worldwide.

Do you need a reliable, competent and honest language translation partner? Then trust us!

Documentation translation

Go to the technical translations page here
The process of globalization has recently gained special significance. Modern technologies: smartphones, stationary devices, the Internet — help to share information with the world around us, while a person can be thousands of kilometres away from the event!

Communication plays an important role in a multicultural world. Sometimes it may be necessary to communicate important information to a group of people who speak a foreign dialect. Language barriers are one of the key problems that prevent people from reaching their full potential, completing assigned tasks or communicating their message to the target audience.

We are for the elimination of any obstacles! The Translation agency in Almaty is guided by the following principles: speed, quality, accuracy of our services. The information translated by us does not contain grammatical errors, fully reflects the original meaning of the document and does not distort it.

There is no language barrier for us! Our team of specialists have many years of experience and have graduated from the philological faculties of the leading universities of the CIS! We provide text translation services in more than 109 languages worldwide! The greatest demand is for translation of the Russian, English, Kazakh speech.

We provide the following services in Almaty:

  • Professional written translation of a large list of text: articles, humorous, scientific works. Work with medical, notarial, technical, legal documentation;
  • Composition of documents in a foreign language;
  • Translation of websites and other sources on the Internet;
  • Text editing, checking for spelling, punctuation, stylistic errors;
  • Apostille and legalization of documents;
  • Literary translation: colourful design of artistic works in foreign languages.
Almaty translation agency services may be interesting for:

  • Entrepreneurs who want to expand their business, enter a foreign market. Or to exchange information with foreign partners;
  • People who need to translate legal documents. Not necessarily for use in the CIS. We can translate documentation for obtaining refugee status in Europe. We will perform nostrification of a diploma in order to have it recognised abroad, etc.;
  • IT-specialists: translate a website, expand its audience;
  • Civil servants who face the need to translate administrative documents into other languages;
  • Companies — we will give a "helping hand" in communication with clients abroad;
  • Scientists. For example, in order to obtain the academic title of associate professor, you need to have publications in foreign scientific journals — we will be happy to help you translate your work into a foreign language.

We will fulfil an order of any complexity! Translation agency in Almaty are specialists who have the same level of foreign language proficiency as the native speaker. Such skills guarantee high quality of the final result at an adequate cost of services!

There are discounts, all sorts of bonuses and promotions for regular clients!

Find out the cost of translation services. Fill out the form and get a 10% discount on your first order!

IMPORTANT: 10% discount for orders of 10 pages or more