Translations of any volume up to 1000 pages per day into 109 languages worldwide!

International translation agency and Publishing House

Public offer of HELVETIA LLP

for individuals and legal entities dated 23 November 2021

HELVETIA LLP provides its services on the basis of a public offer.
To conclude the contract you do not need to sign it, it is enough to express your agreement with the terms of the offer by paying the invoice for payment.
HELVETIA LLP, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by Director Sikhimbayeva Ye.D., acting on the basis of the Charter, publishes this public offer for the provision of services to perform work on language translations and publishing of electronic books and related services.

1. Terms

The terms used in this Public offer have the following meaning:
1.1. offer - this document for individuals and legal entities published in the Internet at the following address: https://helvetia.kz/oferta.
1.2. offer acceptance - full and unconditional acceptance of the offer
1.3. services - services provided by the Contractor to the Client. The full list of services is indicated on the Contractor's website at: https://helvetia.kz.
1.4 Client - a person who has made an acceptance of the offer, and is thus a customer of the Contractor's services under the concluded offer contract.
Other concepts and definitions, not directly defined in these provisions, shall be interpreted in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. General provisions

2.1 This contract, in accordance with Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is a public offer (proposal) of the Contractor to individuals and legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.
2.2 Unconditional admission (acceptance) of the terms of this contract of public offer (hereinafter - the Offer) is considered the Client's payment on the invoice for payment to the Contractor.
2.3 From the moment of acceptance, the Client is considered to have read and agreed with this offer, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and is considered to have entered into contractual relations with the Contractor, in accordance with these provisions.
2.4 The Contractor's obligations are limited by the terms of this Offer.
2.5 The Contractor renders to the Client translation services or e-book publishing services and other related services (hereinafter - services), in accordance with the terms of this Offer, for the provision of which the Client pays the Contractor a monetary remuneration.
2.6 A standard page is 1,800 (one thousand eight hundred) printed characters (Cyrillic alphabet), including spaces between words and punctuation marks, taking into account footers and footnotes. The Client hereby gives his full and unconditional consent to the fact that if the translation is made from a foreign language into the Russian and/or Kazakh languages, and the calculation is made on the basis of documentation in a foreign language, the Contractor has the right to increase the cost of services up to 25%, taking into account the greater standard length of words in the Russian/Kazakh languages, and the Client hereby gives his unconditional consent to this increase and is obliged to pay it.
2.7 The number of pages shall be rounded upwards to 0.5 (half) page in case of written translation if the number of characters is 0.2-0.4 pages or a whole page if the number of characters is 0.6-0.9 pages or up to 1 (one) astronomical hour in case of interpreting.
2.8 When ordering translations, the Client agrees that the Contractor is not responsible for the refusal to accept the Contractor's translations by any state authorities or other third parties on the grounds of non-compliance of the translation with certain "language standards" of this state authority or third party. The Contractor has the right to use translation of terms available in dictionaries accessible to the Contractor.
2.9 The Client unconditionally agrees that when the Contractor renders urgent translation services (written translations: the speed of translation exceeds 7 (seven) pages within one working day), the quality of translation services rendered inevitably decreases. And in this case the Client assumes all responsibility for the results of rendering these services, including compensation for any possible losses, damage, loss of profit, moral damage caused by these services, both to himself and to third parties, and shall have no further claims to the Contractor.

3. Rights and obligations of the Parties

3.1. The Contractor has the right:
3.1.1. To 100% prepayment of the services rendered in full.
3.1.2. On timely payment in full of the monetary remuneration, according to item 1.1. of clause 1 of this Offer.
3.1.3. To request and timely obtain from the Client the necessary documents and information for the provision of services under item 1.1. of clause 1 of this Agreement, if required.
3.1.4. Engage third parties to fulfil obligations under this Offer.

3.2. The Contractor shall be obliged to:
3.2.1 Properly and in due time provide translation services in accordance with item 1.1. of clause 1.1. of Article 1 of this Offer.
3.2.2. In case of detection by the Client in the process of acceptance-transfer of the rendered Services (but not later than 5 (five) calendar days from the moment of rendering the translation) of incorrect translation of words and/or word combinations (any defects, remarks), to eliminate them at its own expense within 5-7 (from five to seven) working days, if the volume of the translated text is from 1 to 20 pages, 10 (ten) working days if the volume of the translated text is from 20 to 50 pages, more than 50 pages - by agreement, from the date of written notification to the Contractor, including messages to the e-mail: 3335500@gmail.com, and written confirmation by the Contractor's staff of receipt of such notice.

3.3 The Client has the right:
3.3.1 Receive a translation that conveys faithfully the meaning of what is written in the source file(s) within the approximate terms specified by the company's managers.

3.4. The Client shall be obliged to:
3.4.1 Make a 100% prepayment for the Contractor's services.
3.4.2 Timely and fully provide the documentation and information requested by the Contractor for realisation of the subject of this Agreement.
3.4.3 Timely provide the Contractor with clear instructions on the purpose of translation, style and conditions of translation, form of translation presentation.
3.4.5 Accept the translated materials or submit a written claim to the Contractor within 5 (five) calendar days after the Contractor sends the translation by any means and the Client receives it. Upon expiry of this term, the translation shall be considered automatically accepted without any claims.

4. Cost of the subject of the Agreement

4.1 The cost and terms of rendering services under this Offer are set in accordance with the terms of this Offer and calculation of the amount payable, carried out on the basis of the price-list of the Contractor for a particular date.
4.2 The Client makes 100% prepayment for the services of the Contractor in a convenient way: cash/cashless transaction.
4.3 In case of untimely elimination of the identified discrepancies of the Contractor's services, according to item of this Offer, the Client has the right to demand payment of a penalty from the Contractor, in the amount of 0.5% of the cost of poorly rendered services, but not more than 10% of the total cost of such services.

5. Dispute settlement procedure

5.1 All disputes or disagreements arising between the Parties under this Agreement or in connection therewith shall be resolved through negotiations between the Parties.
5.2 In case of impossibility to resolve disputes through negotiations, they shall be considered in the judicial bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the established procedure.

6. Term of this Offer and terms of its cancellation

6.1 This Offer comes into effect from the moment of payment by the Customer of the order amount and is termless.

7. Other terms and conditions

7.1 The Parties hereby agree that the indication of the right of one of the Parties shall be interpreted and understood by the Parties as prescribed by this Offer the corresponding obligation of the other Party without the need for direct written indication of it in this Offer.
7.2 The Parties undertake to maintain confidentiality in connection with the performance of obligations under this Offer. Disclosure of such information by one of the Parties to a third party shall be made in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan after obtaining prior authorisation for such action by the other Party.
In addition, the Parties shall not be entitled to disclose or use for any purpose any information received or obtainable relating to the terms of this Offer, except with the prior written consent of the other Party.
7.3 The Contractor shall not be liable for electrical/magnetic damage or destruction of electronic/photographic images or records, or losses associated with electrical power outages/theft/system viruses.
7.5 In cases not stipulated by this Offer, the Parties shall be guided by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
7.6 This Offer is made in the Russian language.

8. Location, details of the Contractor

(brand of the International Agency of High-Precision Translations and Publishing House, Helvetia)

Republic of Kazakhstan,
050000, Almaty city,
52/2 Dostyk avenue, Kazakhstan hotel, 15th floor, office 1509
BIN 080140015154
IIC KZ568560000003868800
Almaty City Branch of BankCentreCredit Joint Stock Company
PPC 859
Call center:
+7 (708) 808-46-66
+7 (701) 808-46-66
e-mail: 3335500@gmail.com